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Agenda (download)

Summary report on the joint international external evaluation of the educational programmes of 
Heilongjiang University  
(educational programme «Russian Language»)
(educational programme «English Language»)
conducted by NCPA together with the Higher Education Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education, HEEC

Summary report on the joint international external evaluation of the educational programmes of
National Research Tomsk State University 
(cluster of educational programmes «Chemistry», «Fundamental and Applied Chemistry»)
conducted by NCPA together with the Higher Education Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education, HEEC

Summary report on the international public external evaluation of the educational programmes of
Altai State University
(cluster of educational programmes «Economics», «Management», «Economic Security»)

Summary report on the international public external evaluation of the educational programmes of
Belgorod State National Research University
(cluster of educational programmes «Geography», «Ecology and Natural Resources Management»)
(cluster of educational programmes «Economics», «Management», «Personnel Management», «State and Municipal Government», «Finance and Credit», «Economic Security», «Customs»»)
(cluster of educational programmes «Advertising and Public Relations», «Journalism»)

Summary report on the international public external evaluation of the educational programmes of
Moscow Pedagogical State University
(cluster of educational programmes «Pedagogy»)
(cluster of educational programmes «Psychology and Pedagogy»)

Summary report on the international public external evaluation of the educational programmes of
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
(cluster of educational programmes «Electronics and Nanoelectronics», «Electronics, Radio Engineering and Communication Systems»)

Summary report on the international public external evaluation of the educational programmes of

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
(cluster of educational programmes «Pedagogy», «Psychology and Pedagogy»)

Summary report on the international public external evaluation of the educational programmes of
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
(cluster of educational programmes «Biotechnology»)
(cluster of educational programmes «Construction», «Architecture», «Design of Architectural Environment», «Construction of Unique Buildings and Facilities»)

Summary report on the international public external evaluation of the educational programmes of
Stavropol State Agrarian University
(cluster of educational programmes «Economics», «Management», «Economic Security»)

Summary report on the public external evaluation of the educational programmes of
National Research Tomsk State University
(cluster of educational programmes «Hydrometeorology»)

Summary report on the public external evaluation of the educational programmes of
Buryat State Academy of Agriculture
(cluster of educational programmes «Veterinary and Sanitary Examination», «Veterinary Science», «Zootechnics», «Environmental Engineering and Water Management», «Biology», «Veterinary Science and Zootechnics», «Biological Sciences»)
(cluster of educational programmes «Agricultural Engineering», «Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products», «Technologies, Mechanical Means and Power-Generating Equipment in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Industry», «Agricultural Engineering»)
(cluster of educational programmes «Forestry», «Agrochemistry and Agricultural Soil Science», «Agronomy», «Horticulture», «Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture», «Agriculture»)

Follow-up report
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
(educational programme «Materials Processing Technologies»)


Joint, international and public accreditation of the educational programmes (download)

Resolution of the National Accreditation Board Meeting on February 19, 2020 (download)

Resolution of the National Accreditation Board Meeting on March 14, 2020 (download)