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NCPA is an autonomous nonprofit organization. It was established in 2009 on the initiative of the Guild of Experts in the Sphere of Professional Education and other legal entities
to organize and carry out accreditation of higher education institutions.

NCPA’s mission is to enhance  the quality of education and to form a quality culture in educational organizations;  to research and disseminate the best practices of quality assurance in Russia and abroad; to improve the image and support the openness of Russian education through the accreditation of educational programmes and educational organizations in accordance with international quality assurance standards,   taking into account Russian legislation and the best traditions of Russian higher education.

NCPA’s Objectives:

  1. Develop and implement quality standards for programs of higher education in compliance with ESG-ENQA.
  2. Enhance the quality of education and form quality culture in higher education institutions.
  3. Determine the best practice in continuous enhancement of the quality of education.
  4. Form positive public opinion in Russia and abroad about the higher education institutions, which work conscientiously.
  5. Provide multi-faceted engagement of the academic community, employers, and international experts in evaluation procedures.
  6. Ensure public provision of information about the quality of educational programs delivered by higher education institutions (HEIs).

Why is it important to undertake public accreditation?

  1. Recognition of the best educational program by academic and professional community in Russia and abroad.
  2. Enhancement of quality of education and formation of quality culture in higher education institutions.
  3. Determination of the best practice in continuous enhancement of quality of education.

The NCPA conducts its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Statutes of NCPA as well as the strategic development plan of the organization.

National Centre for Public Accreditation carries out the following activities:

  1. Accrediting educational programmes of HEIs in alignment with ESG;

  2. Accrediting institutions of further education;

  3. Accrediting programmes of further education;

  4. Project work;

  5. Raising public awareness of the quality of study programmes.

The main principles of NCPA’s external quality evaluation are:

  • High quality of expert procedures;
  • Public nature of external evaluation procedures;
  • Voluntary basis of accreditation procedures;
  • Independence;
  • Objectivity and competence;
  • Transparency, validity and relevance of information on QA procedures;
  • Regularity of external QA procedures;
  • Collegiality of decision making;
  • Publicity.