An international school of experts gathered together over 50 representatives of the leading HEIs from both Russia and the Kyrgyz Republic. The National Centre for Public Accreditation, the Guild of Experts in the Sphere of Professional Education, and the independent agency Bilim-Standard, under the auspice of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Association of Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic, jointly conducted the training program for international experts.
Dr. Galina Motova, Director of the National Centre for Public Accreditation, joined the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Russian Academy of Education as a member to contribute to the development of the educational quality evaluation system.
Moscow hosted the first All-Russian Congress of Accrediting Organizations. The Congress, initiated by NCPA, aims to unify and streamline the efforts of accrediting organizations grounded in best practices with the goal of enhancing the quality and trustworthiness of both public accreditation procedures and developing recommendations for authorities.
The International Research and Practical Conference titled "Ranking and Accreditation as the drivers of education quality" devoted to the memory of Dr. Vladimir Navodnov, Professor and former Director of the National Centre for Public Accreditation took place in Moscow.
Galina Motova was elected as President of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network, APQN
The National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) and the Education Quality Evaluation Agency of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (EQEA) signed a cooperation agreement at the APQN Conference in Bangladesh.
The Database of External Quality Assurance Results of the Asia-Pacific Quality Register (DAQAR) was presented in Dhaka, Bangladesh for the first time.
The APQR Council renewed NCPA’s registration in the Asia-Pacific Quality Register (APQR) for 5 years. The main goal of the register is to ensure strong confidence in the quality of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region.
The National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) was awarded at the Annual General Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) in Singapore for the «Best Practice of QA during COVID Pandemic»
The Memorandum of Cooperation between the National Centre for Public Accreditation and the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, NAAC (India) was signed in Singapore during the APQN General Meeting
The Register of Accredited Programmes was presented. It is a database that includes a list of accredited programmes, a ranking of accreditation agencies, external review reports, validity period of accreditations. The database is developed by the Guild of Experts in Higher Education and is published on the website of the Aggregator of Independent Evaluation of Higher Education
Galina Motova was elected as Vice-President of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network, APQN
An agreement on cooperation between NCPA and the limited liability company "SuperJob" was signed in order to develop cooperation in information, analytical, consulting, methodological and expert activities; as well as contribute to research on independent evaluation of education quality and public accreditation of educational programmes.
The joint international external review of the educational programmes delivered by N. Isanov Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture was held for the first time in Kyrgyzstan. The procedures were jointly conducted by the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and Independent Accreditation Agency "Bilim-Standard" (Kyrgyzstan)
An open online presentation of an aggregator of independent evaluation of higher education was held. A special web-portal “Aggregator of independent evaluation of higher education” was created to inform and support Russian HEIs in the issues of their improvement. The portal comprises all information about the current evaluation systems in higher education (international and national rankings, testing systems, the results of students’ achievements, the results of accreditation of educational programmes and HEIs).
An online conference «25 Years of Education Accreditation in Russia» was held.
On March 20, 2020 the National Centre for Public Accreditation reconfirmed full membership in the European Quality Assurance Register, EQAR
The National Aggregated Ranking was presented for the first time. The presentation gave introduction to the methods of independent evaluation of Russian HEIs and ways of aggregating evaluations in a unified format
The joint international external reviews of the educational programmes of Heilongjiang University, National Research Tomsk State University were held. The procedures were jointly conducted by the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Higher Education Evaluation Centre of the Ministry of Education, HEEC (China)
The official ceremony of signing the agreement on cooperation in quality assurance of higher education between the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (Turkey) was held
The National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) reconfirmed full membership in the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) following the results of the external review with the participation of leading European experts in quality assurance
The joint international external review of the educational programmes delivered by Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University was held. The procedures were jointly conducted by the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Higher Education Evaluation Centre of the Ministry of Education, HEEC (China)
At the 15th conference of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) the new (sixth) Board of Directors was elected for the term of three years (2019-2022).Galina Motova, NCPA Deputy Director, became Vice-President. It is for the first time that the representative of the Russian Federation has been elected to such a senior position in the international organization of higher education
Establishment of the Regional Office of the national non-governmental institution «Russian Assembly of Professors» in the Republic of Mari El. Vladimir Navodnov, NCPA Director, was elected Chair of the Office
The joint international external review of the educational programmes of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory was held. The procedure was jointly conducted by the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Music Association MusiQuE (Belgium)
The joint international external reviews of the educational programmes of China Agricultural University, National Research Tomsk State University, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University were held. The procedures were jointly conducted by the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Higher Education Evaluation Centre of the Ministry of Education, HEEC (China)
The joint international external review of the educational programme of East China University of Science and Technology (Shanghai, China) was held. The procedure was jointly conducted by the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Higher Education Evaluation Centre of the Ministry of Education, HEEC (China)
The National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) is officially registered in the Asia-Pacific Quality Register (APQR)
The cooperation agreement on quality evaluation and accreditation as well as conducting joint accreditation of educational programmes was signed with the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
A video conference between Moscow and Kaliningrad on the topic “Results of the Russian-Chinese accreditation of the educational programmes in higher education institutions of Russia and China - 2017” was held in the Multimedia Press Centre of the International News Agency “Rossiya Segodnya”. China is interested in the Russian-Chinese accreditation as Russian accreditation is recognized both in Europe and in Asia. Cooperation with the Russian Federation allows the People’s Republic of China to exchange best practices and provides recognition of Chinese programmes in Europe
The joint external review of two educational programmes of Jinan University (China) was held. The procedure was jointly conducted by the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Higher Education Evaluation Centre of the Ministry of Education, HEEC (China).
The annual international conference of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) «NEW HORIZONS: DISSOLVING BOUNDARIES FOR A QUALITY REGION» was held in Russia for the first time. The conference took place at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. The National Centre for Public Accreditation was the host party. 114 participants from 27 countries, representatives of expert, accreditation, educational institutions and the Ministries of Education of the Asia-Pacific Region participated in the Conference.
Joint accreditation has become much more demanded.
The joint evaluation of five clusters of educational programmes of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University and two clusters of the educational programmes of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University was held. The procedure was jointly conducted by two accrediting agencies: National Centre for Public Accreditation and the Accreditation Agency evalag (Germany).
One of the leading Chinese HEIs was awarded Russian accreditation for the first time.
The joint evaluation of two educational programmes of the University of International Business and Economics UIBE (PRC) was held. The procedure was jointly conducted by two accrediting agencies: National Centre for Public Accreditation and the Higher Education Evaluation Centre of the Ministry of Education (China)
10th anniversary of the Guild of Experts in the Sphere of Higher Education
The Forum of the Guild of Experts in the Sphere of Higher Education “International Standards and Modern Approaches to Quality Evaluation in Education” was held. The vital issues related to the new technologies of quality assurance in education and the approaches to quality assurance in Russian education were discussed at the Forum
The agreement with Accreditation Agency evalag (Germany) on the cooperation in quality assurance issues and accreditation and joint accreditation of the educational programmes was signed
Election to the Asia-Pacific Quality Network Board, where Galina Motova, Deputy Director of NCPA was elected as a member, took place at the APQN General Assembly meeting
On December 1, 2015 the National Centre for Public Accreditation was officially registered in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)
The cooperation agreement between the All-Russian Student Union and the National Centre for Public Accreditation was signed
The X International Forum of Experts in Higher Education was held in Moscow. The Forum brought together over 160 participants from 8 countries: Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland and Poland
External Review of the clusters of the educational programmes was held in Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia). The procedure was jointly conducted by two accrediting agencies: the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute, ACQUIN (Germany)
The official ceremony of signing the Memorandum of Cooperation in quality evaluation and accreditation between the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and Higher Education Evaluation Centre of the Ministry of Education (China) was held
The Cooperation Agreement was signed between the National Centre for Public Accreditation and Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA)
On 26 November 2014 the National Centre for Public Accreditation was granted a full member status within the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
The IX International Forum of the Guild of Experts in the sphere of professional education was held in Moscow. The event was attended by the experts in the sphere of state and public accreditation, representatives of the European networks for education quality assurance and the leading Russian accrediting agencies
The 4th ENQA Members' Forum was held in St Petersburg, Russia. The 4th ENQA Members' Forum was held in St Petersburg, Russia. The Forum was organized by National Centre for Public Accreditation and Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (FINEC). The event was attended by 77 participants who represented 48 accrediting agencies from 32 countries
MARCH Site visit of ENQA experts took place at the National Centre for Public Accreditation in order to conduct an analysis of correspondence of NCPA activities with the standards for accrediting agencies. The expert group included representatives from Finland, France, Belgium, Romania and Latvia
A cooperation Agreement was signed between the Russian Student Union and the National Centre for Public Accreditation
National Centre for Public Accreditation is a partner in the Tempus IV “Achieving and checking the alignment between academic programmes and qualification framework”
Galina Motova, the Deputy Head of NCPA, participated in the external review of the Polish Accreditation Committee (Warsaw, Poland)
VIII International Forum of the Guild of Experts “Implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines into the education quality assurance systems” was held in Moscow, Russia. Several international accreditation agencies took part in the work of the Forum
The representatives of three public accreditation agencies: the Association for Engineering Education of Russia (AEER), the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK) and the National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) signed an Agreement establishing the association "National Public Register of Accrediting Organizations in Education"
The Forum on University Rankings hosted by International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence (IREG) with the participation of Galina Motova, Deputy Director of NCPA, was held in Warsaw, Poland
NCPA’s Director Vladimir Navodnov was awarded the honorary award of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) for outstanding achievements in the field of quality assurance and personal contribution in promoting to quality and excellence in higher education at both national and international levels
The Russian News & Information Agency RIA Novosti hosted the press conference on admission of prospective students and the project of public accreditation of Russian HEIs. Director of NCPA Vladimir Navodnov presented the Reference Book “The Best Educational Programmes of Innovative Russia”
The first meeting of the National Accreditation Board on accreditation of the educational programmes of two federal universities was held
The 7th annual research and practice conference of the Guild of Experts “Implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance Systems in Russia” was held in Moscow, Russia. Achim Hopbah, President of ENQA, took part in the conference
NCPA conducted the external review of the educational programmes delivered by Gnesins Academy of Music and Victor Popov Academy of Choral Arts in Moscow. The Review Panels consisted both of foreign and national experts (Moscow, Russia)
The National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) was granted the Full Member status in the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)
The Results of the second stage of the project “The Best Educational Programmes of Innovative Russia” were presented at the press-conference “Methods and outcomes of quality assessment of educational programmes in higher professional education” which was held by the Russian News & Information Agency RIA Novosti. Victor Bolotov, Vice-president and an Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Vladimir Navodnov, Director of the National Centre for Public Accreditation, PhD, Professor, Galina Motova, Deputy Director of the National Centre for Public Accreditation, Editor-in-chief of the journal “Accreditation in Education”, PhD, Professor, Artyom Khromov, Chairman of the All-Russian public organization “The Russian Union of Students”, took part in the conference
Dr. Iring Wasser, CEENQA President, Managing Director of ASIIN (Germany), Vice President of ENAEE, Chairman of the “EUR-ACE”- label committee of ENAEE was invited to take part in the Sixth Annual Conference of Experts in Higher Education, organized by NCPA. Representatives of CEENQA member agencies from Central and Eastern Europe and colleagues from the Republic of Kazakhstan took an active part in the event
The Reference Book “The Best Educational Programmes of Innovative Russia” was published for the first time. 2034 of 32544 educational programmes of Russian HEIs were included into this edition
NCPA conducted the first external review of three educational programmes delivered by the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics in accordance with the ESG (Moscow, Russia)
New electronic newsletter "Vestnik Accreditacii" covers all important issues in the sphere of accreditation: recently released documents, publications, conferences and events held in Russia and abroad
At the invitation of NCPA Peter Williams, former ENQA President, took part in the fifth nationwide conference of the Russian Guild of Experts in the sphere of professional education
The National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) was granted the Associate Status in the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) at the Seventh ENQA General Assembly meeting (Helsinki, Finland)
The Russian-Kazakh group participated in the training session “Internal and external quality assurance for institutional and programme accreditation in higher professional education”, which was hosted by the Agence d’evaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement superieur (AERES) (Paris, France)
The first nationwide research and practice conference “Accreditation in the sphere of higher professional education in Russia: the present state and prospects” was held online and was devoted to the 15th anniversary of the Accreditation System in Russia
The National Centre for Public Accreditation became a full member of the Central and Eastern European Networking Association (CEE Network)(Sofia, Bulgaria)
The project “The Best Educational Programmes of Innovative Russia” was launched. The purpose of the project is to identify higher education programmes distinguished by the exemplary level of the quality of education
The National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) was established. NCPA’s mission in the Russian system of quality assurance is to form and promote quality culture in higher education through identification, evaluation, and accreditation of the best educational programs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG-ENQA). The National Centre for Public Accreditation was created by the separation from the National Accreditation Agency of the Russian Federation (NAA)
Dr. Hans Ulrich Schmidt, Managing Director of FIBAA (Foundation for international business administration accreditation), took part in the Forth nationwide conference of experts in the field of professional education
The National Accreditation Agency of the Russian Federation (NAA) was granted Full Member Status in the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
The manual “Accreditation of higher education institutions in Russia” was published (V. Navodnov, E. Gevorkyan, G. Motova, M. Petropavlovskiy, – Yoshkar-Ola, 2008. – 166 p.). It outlines the evaluation procedures of a HEI and describes indicators, methods and criteria of state accreditation as well as methods used to define the type and form of a HEI on the basis of a systemic approach
The National Accreditation Agency of the Russian Federation (Vladimir Navodnov, Director) underwent the external review held by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
The manual “Examination of the quality of education: European approach” was published (G. Motova, V. Navodnov - Yoshkar-Ola, 2008. – 100 p.) It describes the main types of education quality assurance systems, requirements for the expert activities in the sphere of higher education as well as the analysis of Russian and European experience in conducting reviews
The Russian translation of “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area” (Yoshkar-Ola: Accreditation in education, 2008. – 58p.) was published. It is available on www.enqa.eu and www.аккредитация.рф
The first Internet-Olympiads were held. Prof. Vladimir Navodnov, PhD, was the Project Manager
Bruno Curvale (France), Vice President of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), took part in the Third nationwide conference of the Russian Guild of Experts in the sphere of professional education (Moscow, Russia)
Hillar Bauman, Director of the Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency (EKKA), took part in the Second nationwide conference of the Russian Guild of Experts in the sphere of professional education
The first nationwide conference of the Russian Guild of Experts in the sphere of professional education “Accreditation in the sphere of higher professional education in Russia: current status and the prospects” was held
The first constituent conference of the Russian Guild of Experts in the sphere of higher professional education was held at the initiative of the National Accreditation Agency of the Russian Federation
The mission of the Guild is to develop and improve the system of public and state accreditation of Professional Education Institutions in order to assure the quality of professional education in Russia based on cooperation and partnership of all the stakeholders. Prof. Peter Litvitsky, PhD, corresponding member of RAMS, was elected the first president
The first training seminar for education quality assessment experts was held
Publication of the scientific edition “Foreign Accreditation Models” (G. Motova, V. Navodnov – 2nd edition: revised and expanded. – Moscow - Yoshkar-Ola: central state archives, 2005. – 112 p.) summarizing the outcomes of studies of practical experience of national bodies carrying out education quality assessment abroad
Project “Federal Internet-Exam in the Sphere of Professional Education” was launched. Prof. Vladimir Navodnov, PhD, was the Project Manager. The Federal Internet-Exam in the Sphere of Professional Education is carried out both online and offline to test students in a set of study programmes or one study programme in all HEIs of the Russian Federation
First issue of the journal “Accreditation in education” was published (prof. Galina Motova, PhD, Editor in Chief)
The 10th anniversary of the first Russian Accreditation Agency; the Director is professor Vladimir Navodnov
Establishment of the Eurasian Quality Assurance Network (EAQAN). Vladimir Navodnov was elected Secretary General
The international conference “Promotion of European cooperation in Quality Assurance” was held in St. Petersburg, Russia
The heads of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science V. Bolotov and E. Gevorkyan participated in the seminar held in Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
The International research and practice conference (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia) on the issues of developing and integrating the systems of higher professional education quality assessment in the CIS and Baltic countries. A. Pyzhikov, Vice-Minister of Education, and E. Gevorkyan, Head of the Department of Licensure, Accreditation and Certification of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of accreditation bodies of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia and Estonia, attended the conference
Tokuda Masanori, Professor of the National Institution for Academic Degrees (Japan) and Shinichi Masudzaki, Representative of the Japanese Centre visited the National Accreditation Agency of the Russian Federation (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
First edition of the manual “Integrated assessment of higher education institutions” was published (V. Navodnov, E. Gevorkyan, G. Motova, M. Petropavlovskiy – Moscow - Yoshkar-Ola: Scientific and Information Centre of State Accreditation, 2001. – 192p.)
Creation of the website “All Russian HEIs” www.abitur.nica.ru (designer – A. Vedernikov)
Advanced training courses for the management of HEIs “Management in education. State regulation” at the National Accreditation Agency of the Russian Federation (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
Publication of the first Register of the accredited HEIs of the Russian Federation
The National Accreditation Agency of the Russian Federation (NAA) joined the Network of Central and Eastern European Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEE Network)(Budapest, Hungary)
Publication of the first analytical report “State accreditation of Higher, Secondary and Further Education Institutions in 1999”
A working meeting within the project CROSS (Russia – the Netherlands) was held
A license for publishing activities was obtained. The monograph “Developing the system of state accreditation” was published (V. Navodnov, G. Motova, M. Petropavlovskiy)
The mathematical model of classification of HEIs into certain types based on the methods of discriminatory analysis was included into the procedure of state accreditation (developer – M. Petropavlovskiy)
A license for carrying out seminars on education quality assessment and accreditation was granted to NAA by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Education (№ 25-191, 23.06.1999)
V. Filippov, Minister of education of the Russian Education, visited the National Accreditation Agency of the Russian Federation
A seminar within the project TACIS with the participation of Ton Vroeijenstijn, Secretary of INQAAHE was held in Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
A seminar on accreditation issues with the participation of V. Bolotov, Deputy Minister of general and professional education of the Russian Federation was held
The monograph “Systems of accreditation abroad” was published (G. Motova, V. Navodnov, V. Kuklin, B. Saveliev / Foreword by V. Zernova— Moscow, 1998. — 151 p.)
First version of the website www.nica.ru was created and placed on the Internet
First meeting of the Accreditation Board of the Ministry of Education of Russia. The cases of 27 HEIs prepared by the Centre of Accreditation were considered
The structure of the presentation of a HEI for state accreditation was developed
The first data collection module was sent for HEIs (developed by V. Egoshin, V. Gurianov)
Russia (the National Accreditation Agency) joined the International Network of Accrediting Agencies INQAAHE
Scientific and Information Centre of State Accreditation was created (the Order of State Committee on Higher Education No 570 dated 18.04.1995)
V. Navodnov became the appointed Director of the National Accreditation Agency (the Order of the State Committee on Higher Education No 602 dated 24.04.1995)
The textbooks stamped Russian Federation State Committee on Higher Education on the technology of mass educational measurements were published. Many of the ideas later underpinned the technology of Federal Internet-Exam in the Sphere of Professional Education
♦Technology of testing and outcome analysis KAMERTON (V. Kuklin, V. Navodnov, M. Petropavlovskiy, Yoshkar-Ola: MarSTU, 1995. – 86 p.)
♦TestGen — system of testing materials development. (V. Navodnov, V. Kuklin, A. Maslennikov, A. Eltsin, Yoshkar-Ola: MarSTU, 1995. – 84 p.)
A seminar “Information technologies of the accreditation of educational institutions” involving Deputy Chairman of Russian Federation Committee on Higher Education V. Shadrikov, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation N. Lazutova and Head of the Department of Licensing, Accreditation and Nostrification V. Meshalkin was conducted
The presentation of the software package “Monitoring of Accredited HEIs of Russia” and the Kamerton technology was held