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On April 14, 2023 Galina Motova, NCPA Director, participated in a roundtable “Control, Supervision, Quality: the First Results of the Regulatory Guillotine in Education” as part of the XXVI Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. The conference was held by the Higher School of Economics.


On April 14, 2023 Galina Motova, NCPA Director, participated in a roundtable “Control, Supervision, Quality: the First Results of the Regulatory Guillotine in Education” as part of the XXVI Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. The conference was held by the Higher School of Economics.

The following issues were discussed:

• What were the declared goals of reform and were they achievable?
• What are the obstacles to the implementation process?
• What are the challenges for regulators?
• What is in store for educational oversight in Russia: where are we going?
• What non-state instruments of education quality evaluation can be considered a priority for the educational system?

The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Russian Presidential Directorate for Science and Education Policy, Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, National Centre for Public Accreditation, Higher School of Economics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. 
