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VIII International Forum of the Guild of Experts “Implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance” took place on November 15-16, 2013 in Moscow, Russia.

226 participants including 5 foreign experts from Germany, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Estonia, representatives of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education, the Federal Service for Supervision and the Russian Academy of Education, Russian and foreign accreditation agencies, the National Accreditation Board, and certified (federal) experts in the sphere of professional education, representatives of academic society, developers of modern educational technologies and heads of the Russian academic unions took part in the work of the Forum.

On the plenary session, which opened the first day of the Forum, the reports were presented by the members of the Russian State Duma: A. Degtyarev, member of the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies, and N. Shaidenko, Deputy Head of the State Duma Committee on Education; by V. Bolotov, academician of RAS, Head of the National Accreditation Board, and by the heads of the leading Russian accreditation agencies: V. Navodnov, Director of the National Centre for Public Accreditation, and Y. Pokholkov, President of the Association for Engineering Education.

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The presentations of foreign experts aroused great interest among the participants of the event.

Aurelija Valeikiene, Deputy Director of the Centre for Quality Assesment in Higher Education, Lithuania, made the presentation “Formation of the national quality assurance system and implementation of the European Standards and Guildelines for Quality Assurance: issues of stakeholders’ participation on the case of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia”.

Vladimíra Dvořáková, President of Czech Republic Accreditation Commission, covered the criteria and external evaluation outcomes of doctoral programmes in Czech Republic.

The presentation of Marge Kroonmäe, expert of Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency, was dedicated to the accreditation of secondary vocational education programmes in Estonia.

Jana Bekker, Special Representative of FIBAA for Russia, considered the issues of expert evaluation and work with eperts on the case of European agency experience.

On the second day the work of the Forum was organized in two sections: “Accreditation system in modern Russia: analysis of formation processes and development prospects in the light of integration to European education area” and “Theory, methodology and practice of higher education quality evaluation: new approaches to the methods of quality evaluation of educational programmes”.

In these sections the participants of the Forum presented actual reports on the issues of higher education quality assurance, training of staff and graduates, methodology of self-evaluation, formation of competencies, methods of higher education quality evaluation and modernization of educational activity.

More information is available on the official website of the Guild of Experts.

Information about Forum on FIBAA Newsletter

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