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On September 21, 2015 the official ceremony of signing the Memorandum of Cooperation in quality evaluation and accreditation between the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and Higher Education Evaluation Centre of the Ministry of Education (China) was held. The Agreement implies conducting joint procedures of quality evaluation of education programmes in both Russian and Chinese HEIs.

The Memorandum will allow Russian HEIs to increase trust in the quality of education and its attractiveness for Chinese students, the number of which, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, was 18,200 people in 2014 (the second largest contingent of foreign students in Russia).

China was also interested in signing the Agreement, first of all, in order to gain new experience and access new technologies in the field of higher education quality evaluation.

The ceremony was attended by Liu Limin, Deputy Minister of Education and Science and Wu Yan, Director General of Higher Education Evaluation Centre of the Ministry of Education, People Republic of China. Russia was represented by Vladimir Navodnov, Director of NCPA, and Irina Borisova, member of the Presidium of the Guild of Experts in Higher Education.

The signing ceremony will be followed by specific steps. On September 22-25, External Reviews of two Chinese universities, which enter the tops of international rankings (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Tsinghua University), will be carried out. Russian experts will become members of External Review Panels on education quality evaluation. Accreditation procedures, involving Chinese experts, will be held in two leadning Russian universities within two months.

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