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A quarter of a century ago, for the first time in Russia, the system of education accreditation emerged.

Getting adjusted to a new reality in the period of perestroika, the system of education was in dire need of technologies and assessment tools for education quality in order to be aligned with international trends.

This event became an important landmark in the development of Russia’s higher education and establishing quality culture. To celebrate this event, the National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) organized on the 22 of April 2020 an online conference 25 Years of Education Accreditation in Russia: taking stock and looking into the future. The speakers of the conference discussed the process of establishing and transforming the procedure of HEIs’ and programme accreditation during 25 years and the influence of external evaluation on higher education. They also considered the tendencies in further development of accreditation in Russia and abroad.

  • The participants of the conference learnt some interesting facts from the history of the development of accreditation procedures in the higher education system.

  • The conference took stock of the 25 year evolution of the system, from the emergence of accreditation in Russia to its international recognition.

  • Prominent Russian and international experts, among whom there were presidents of three international quality assurance networks, shared their views and ideas about the future of accreditation in Russia and in the world.

  • The prospects of quality enhancement, competitiveness and export potential of Russian education were outlined.



Speaker-bolotov Victor Bolotov,
Dr. of Education,  Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education (RAE), Presidium Member of the Higher Attestation Committee at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Research Supervisor of the Centre for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education at Higher School of Economics,  Deputy Minister of Education (1992-2004), Head of the Federal Service of Supervision in Education and Science (2004-2009), Chairperson of the National Accreditation Board
Speaker-shadrikov Vladimir Shadrikov
Dr.of Psychology,  Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Research Supervisor of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences of  Higher School of Economics,  Deputy Minister of Education (1985-2001)
Speaker-rozina Nelly Rosina
Cand.of Education,  Rector’s Adviser of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2004-2009)
Speaker-arjanova Irina Arzhanova,
Dr. of History, Executive Director of the National Training Foundation
Speaker-marsimov Nikolai Maksimov,
Cand. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chairperson of the Coordination Council of Education and Methodology Associations, President of the Guild of Experts in Higher Education
Speaker-poholkov Yury Pokholkov,
Dr.of Technical Sciences, Professor, President of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia,  Head of the Department of Organization and Technologies of Higher Professional Education, Tomsk Polytechnic University
Speaker-tyrina Natalia Tyurina,
Head of the Project Office in Education and Social Sphere, Manager of the project the “Social Navigator”  of the  International News Agency «Russia Today»
Speaker-tsapko Oleg Tsapko,
Chairperson of the Russian Student Union, Chairperson of the National Student Council for Quality of Education
Speaker-tuk Colin Tück,
Director of  the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)
Speaker-kristof Dr. Christoph Grolimund,
President of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA),   Director of the Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance (AAQ)
Speaker-karahanyan Susanna Karakhanyan,
President of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), Higher Education Policy and Regulation Director, Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge
Speaker-djanksin Dr. Jianxin Zhang,
President of the Asia Pacific Quality Network, the Chief Expert of Yunnan Higher Education Evaluation Center (YHEEC), tenured professor of Yunnan University
Speaker-patil Jagannath Patil,
Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Quality Register (APQR) Adviser at the National Assessment and Accreditation Council of India
Speaker-bauman Hillar Bauman,
Secretary of Estonian Higher Education Evaluation Council, expert in higher education of the Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA), Member of the National Accreditation Board (Russia)
Speaker-navodnov Vladimir Navodnov,
Dr.of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the National Centre for Public Accreditation, Director of  the National Accreditation Agency (1995 - 2009), Director General of the Research Institute for Education Quality Monitoring
Speaker-motova Galina Motova,
Dr. of Education, Deputy Director of the National Centre for Public Accreditation, Deputy Director of  the National Accreditation Agency (1995 - 2010), Director of the Guild of Experts in Higher Education,  Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Accreditation in Education”, Vice-President of Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN)