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On July 12 the Expert Board on Higher Education, Management of Knowledge Economy, Red Tape Reduction in Higher Education, and Quality Enhancement of Educational Activities under the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education held the meeting. The following two issues were discussed:

- accreditation monitoring and indicators of education quality;

- laws and regulations on training of engineering staff in the modern context.

The first issue was presented by O. Yavkina, Head of the Department of State Services and Digital Transformation of Rosobrnadzor, and G. Motova, NCPA Director and APQN Vice-President.

The participants of the meeting paid attention to many technical and semantic errors in the estimation methods of accreditation indicators when conducting accreditation monitoring.

The accreditation monitoring starts this year on September 1st, however, many questions remain open and the main is: can accreditation monitoring promote education quality enhancement in the country or is it just another unclaimed bureaucratic innovation?

профессионально-общественная аккредитация  профессионально-общественная аккредитация  профессионально-общественная аккредитация