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On October 19-20, 2023 a Forum on digital independence in business and education «Digital Innopolis Days» was held in Innopolis. The Forum was attended by experts from Indonesia, China, Russia, Brazil, India, South Africa and UAE. They shared their experience of developing new technologies and training IT-specialists.

Galina Motova participated in the Forum on behalf of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN). She delivered the presentation «Recognizing education quality: international experience for BRICS countries» during the plenary session «Export of technology and education». During the plenary session experts discussed the issues related to mutual recognition of education and qualifications by BRICS countries, exchanged opinions about the possibilities of technological collaboration in priority areas of economy. Then the participants continued to discuss these issues during the panel discussion «Mutual recognition of documents on education and qualifications of BRICS countries».

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