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NCPA Director Vladimir Navodnov was awarded the prestigious award of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) for outstanding achievements in the field of quality assurance, outstanding contribution in promoting quality and excellence in higher education at both national and international level in the past 10 years and was awarded a certificate and a cup "APQN’s Quality Champions Award".


APQN Quality Award was presented during APQN Annual conference which was held during 7-8 April 2013 in Chinese Taipei. Award consisted of attractive memento and certificate to be awarded in a glittering function attended by APQN community.

APQN Quality Awards is an initiative to mark decennial celebrations of APQN. Quality deserves to be recognized and rewarded. Quality assurance agencies (QAAs) perform this task by assessing and accrediting quality of higher education institutions and programs. No or little avenues are available to recognize and reward contributions made by QA bodies and their professionals. APQN Quality Awards are aimed at bridging this gap.
APQN would encourage QAAs which are doing outstanding work at national as well as at international level.

Award categories

Following are the categories in which nominations were invited from full and intermediate members of APQN.

Innovations in Quality Assurance

QAA demonstrates adoption of innovative practices in conducting quality assurance activities. Aim of these innovations could be to improve transparency, objectivity, accountability or efficiency of QA process.

Stakeholders Engagement

QAA has adopted policy and practices to engage wide range of stakeholders in formal QA process. Formal systems of feedback and involvement of stakeholders are integrated in the QA process.

Information and Communications technology [ICT] in Quality Assurance

Use of modern electronic communications and technology is evident in various stages of quality assessment. QAA provides budget and extensive resources to staff and experts for use of modern technology in QA process.

Student Participation in Quality Assurance

QA methodology of QA body has explicit provisions and practices demonstrated to engage students as partners in quality improvement. Students are also part of decision making in quality besides providing mere periodic feedback

Quality Information Systems

QAA has put in place systems of providing quality information to all stakeholders. There is evidence to suggest that information is used by stakeholder for various purposes.

International Focus

QAA has geared to align itself to international trends in quality assurance. QA of cross border provision is undertaken. International experts are part of regular QA process.

Special Awards

APQN’s Emerging QA Body Award

QA bodies established in last 3 years will be considered for this award. Focus will be on overall performance of agency in a short span of time.

APQN’s Vibrant QA Body Award

This award is purely to encourage QAAs which are very active in carrying forward initiatives of APQN such as Exchange Program, organization of APQN activities, response to APQN surveys, online forums and annual conference, etc. Activities of last two years will be considered for the nomination.

APQN’s Best Internal QA Award

This is an award for APQN’s institutional members only. The institutional members who have committed to quality mechanism and culture are encouraged to apply for this award to share their great IQA experiences.

APQN’s Quality Champions Award

This is an award for individuals who have made outstanding contribution in promoting quality and excellence in higher education. Contribution at both national and international level in the past 10 years would be considered for this award.

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