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The Higher Education Quality Council of Turkey (THEQC)

THEQC is a special budget founded public legal entity with administrative and financial autonomy. Following its first establishment as part of the “Higher Education Quality Assurance Regulation” that entered in force upon its publication in the Official Gazette No. 29423 on July 23rd, 2015, the Council was reorganized according to the Additional Provision No. 35 added to the Law No. 2547 on Higher Education on June 18th, 2017 and has gained both administrative and financial independence. The three pillars of responsibility of the THEQC are the external evaluation for quality assurance of higher education institutions; granting authorization to autonomous national program accreditation agencies as well as recognition of international quality assurance organizations and program accreditation agencies; spreading the culture and raising the awareness of quality assurance in Higher Education in Turkey.

THEQC Mission

The mission of THEQC is to implement and enhance the quality assurance system of the national higher education system by supporting the internal quality assurance system and the progress of quality culture, and conducting the external assessments of the higher education institutions so that it can significantly contribute to the enhancement of intellectual capital and sustainable development of the society in a transparent, accountable and collaborative manner.