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Agency for Accreditation of Educational Programmes and Organizations (AAEPO)

The Independent Agency for Accreditation of Educational Programmes and Organizations was established in 2014. Non-profit institution "Agency for Accreditation of Educational Programmes and Organizations" is a non-profit organization, which has legal status, established to enhance the competitiveness of professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic by conducting accreditation.

AAEPO is a member of the Eurasian Association for Educational Assessment (EAOKO).

AAEPO Mission

Agency’s mission is to improve education in the Kyrgyz Republic via independent accreditation of educational institutions and study programmes taking into account the use of best practices and scientific achievements in the field of education quality assurance.

AAEPO Objectives

The Agency's goal is to provide institutional and programme accreditation of educational organizations and to develop methodology, technologies, standards and criteria for accreditation of educational programmes and professional education organizations. Accreditation is aimed at improving the quality of educational programmes and the effectiveness of educational institutions.

AAEPO website