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National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation, ANQA

National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (Armenia) conducts external quality assurance processes in accordance with the norms set by the RA legislation and regulations, as well as with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG-ENQA). ANQA also developed Guidelines, Criteria and Standards for Quality Assurance taking into account the local needs and international good practice.
Currently, ANQA has an Associate Status at the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, granted on 12 June, 2009.

ANQA Mission

ANQA strives to promote public trust, social cohesion, equity, responsibility and competitiveness in Armenian society through systematic enhancement of tertiary level education provisions.

ANQA Objectives

ANQA aims at setting a quality assurance system, which
- is receptive to the needs of the national stakeholders;
- complies with international standards;
- ensures visibility at international level.

International Cooperation

Internationalization is one the most vital elements of ANQA’s activities. The scope of activities aimed at internationalization includes but is not limited to the following:
• participation in the international debate on quality assurance through attendance of EQAF and IQAAHE Forums, ENQA workshops as well as scientific articles;
• active involvement in EU TEMPUS project. In 2010 ANQA started two TEMPUS projects: DIUS and PICQA;
• following the international developments in quality assurance and integrating the best practices in its developments;
• active cooperation with international counterparts for experience exchange as well as expert exchange.

More information is available on the official website