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Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (CQAHE) is an independent public agency established in 1995. The Centre implements the external quality assurance policy in higher education in Lithuania and contributes to the development of human resources by creation of enabling conditions for free movement of persons. The Centre was founded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania as an expert institution.


 The mission of the Centre: The SKVC is an organisation contributing to the improvement of quality in Lithuanian higher education and the free movement of persons across borders.


The vision of the Centre: The Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education as an influential generator, implementer and disseminator of ideas in higher education.

The main function of the Centre is to assist HEI to assure quality and to constantly improve it. The Centre fulfils this function through:

• Assessment of the quality of higher education

• Assessment of the qualifications concerning higher education

• Provision of information on higher education systems and qualifications recognition


Agreement with SKVC  


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