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Basic information about the Agency 
Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance has been established by Framework Law on Higher Education in BiH (Official Gazette of BH No. 59/07), as independent public organization. Council of Ministries of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Decision on Begging the Work and the Seat of the Agency (which was published in Official Gazette of BH No. 10/08), on the 33rd session on January the 10th 2008. The Seat of the Agency is in Banjaluka.
Independent work of the Agency, within its jurisdiction, related to external quality assurance, shall be achieved by legal, transparent and public selection procedures of domestic and international experts which provides assessment and quality review and give recommendation on accreditation of higher education institutions.
Openess of the Agency’s work shall be achieved in accordance with the Law on free access to information in BH, by submitting work reports to the Parliamentary Assembly and Council of Ministers of BH, and by public medium.
The Agency shall, in performing its tasks, respect following principles:
• legality,
• transparency
• publicity
• efficiency and effectiveness,
• professional impartiality
The Agency shall be financed from the budget of BH institutions, and in the part of jurisdiction related to external assurance, from its own income.
Within its activities, the Agency shall cooperate with relevant domestic institutions - educational authorities in BH, entities, cantons and Br?ko District, academic community, international community and relevant stakeholders.
Mission Statement
The Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina performs its work on the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina by issuing regulations and recommendations from the field of higher education, particularly in establishing the new and developing the existing higher education institutions, and leading the process of external quality assurance. In this matter, the Agency is acting in cooperation with the competent ministries on all levels, higher education institutions, the whole academic community and students, and all that in accordance with the general principles of legality, objectivity, transparency and non-discrimination.
Appreciating the good practice and tradition of higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Agency became the key player in creating the quality culture; making clear standards and regulations for higher education, as basic criteria for activities which shall be undertaken by respective ministries and higher education institutions.
The Agency encourages all higher education institutions to build their own system of quality, based on these standards, the periodic self-evaluations as a basis for external evaluation, which shall be performed by independent and impartial national and international experts, in accordance with clear and transparent criteria.




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