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The National Accreditation Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further NAC) was created by the Government decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan №405 from April 29, 2005.
NAC activity is directed on contributing into people’s intellectual development and spiritual potential’s growth, higher education institutions’ modernization and the realization of the tasks, determined by the President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev aimed at providing competitive capacity of Higher Education and recognition of Kazakhstani education in the world community.
To create and develop The National Model of Quality Assurance in Education harmonized with international standards, to contribute significantly to the integration of the Education System of Kazakhstan into the world education community.
• Fulfillment of quality assurance aspects of Bologna Declaration signed by Kazakhstan in March 2010.
• Implementation of institutional and specialized accreditation of educational institutions according to standards and criteria consistent to the “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area” (ESG).
• Foreign educational credentials recognition.
• Training of external quality assurance experts in the sphere of education.
• Performing the National ranking of educational institutions.
• To develop accreditation standards and assessment criteria compliant with Bologna process.
• To conduct institutional and specialized accreditation of educational institutions.
• To organize and perform training studies regarding the accreditation processes.
• To learn international experience and adopt the good practices in the Education System of Kazakhstan.
• To participate in international programs on quality assurance.
• To recognize and nostrificate credentials issued by foreign institutions of higher education.
• The accreditation procedure is delivered on a voluntary basis.
• Educational institutions are responsible for education quality.
• External assessment is conducted only in objective, transparent and independent way (without influence of third parties, e.g. state authorities, HEIs/TVETs administration and public opinion).
• The information from HEIs/TVETs is confidential.
• All information about accredited HEIs/TVETs is delivered to wider community through mass media and Internet.


 Agreement with NAC

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