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The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, HCERES

As an independent administrative authority set up in 2007, the HCERES is tasked with evaluating research and higher education institutions, research organisations, research units, higher education programmes and degrees and with approving their staff evaluation procedures.

HCERES Mission
HCERES intends to play a part in improving the quality of the French research and higher education system in accordance with the European recommendations and decisions of European ministers in the context of the Bologna Process .

HCERES Objectives

  • • evaluating research organisations and institutions, research and higher education institutions, scientific cooperation foundations and institutions;
  • • evaluating the research activities conducted by the research units of the aforementioned organisations and institutions;
  • • evaluating the programmes and degrees of higher education institutions;
  • • approving the staff evaluation procedures of research organisations and institutions and giving its opinion on the conditions under which these are implemented;
  • • working with other evaluation stakeholders worldwide;
  • • taking part in evaluating foreign or international research and higher education organisations.

