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EVALAG (evaluation agency Baden-Wurtemberg) was founded in 2000 as a foundation under public law and is committed to non-profit purposes. EVALAG operates both nationally with focus on activities in the German Federal State of Baden-W?rttemberg - and abroad. The agency works independently and on the basis of internationally accepted standards.
EVALAG is a member of DeGEval (Evaluation Society), a full member of ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) and CEENQA (Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies). At an international level, EVALAG is a member of INQAAHE (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education). EVALAG is registered in EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education) since 2010 and carries out international accreditations both in Europe and worldwide.


EVALAG Mission:
To promote the quality concept based on the basic principles of higher education institutions’ responsibility for the quality of programmes and the measurement and validation of the higher education objectives.


EVALAG Objectives:
- provide expertise in order to support the commitment of higher education and scientific institutions;
- contribute to strengthening the self-steering ability and boosting the quality culture of higher education and scientific institutions;
- provide expert-based information for preparing appropriate decisions on higher education politics and policy to the authoritative institutions;
- apply methods for certification which combine the basic approach of examination with methodological elements for quality enhancement to capture and support the holistic quality of study programmes and universities;
- participate in the continued development of quality assurance, quality enhancement, and quality management of higher education institutions and actively contributes to this goal both by practical and scientific-theoretical activities.

Agreement with EVALAG

EVALAG Website