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IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence

IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence emerged as a joint initiative of the UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education (UNESCO-CEPES) and a group of international ranking experts concerned with the quality of academic ranking. IREG was founded in 2004 by the UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education (UNESCO-CEPES) in Bucharest and the Institute for Higher Education Policy in Washington, DC. It is upon this initiative that IREG’s second meeting (Berlin, Germany, 18 to 20 May, 2006) has been convened to consider a set of principles of quality and good practice in HEI rankings - the Berlin Principles on Ranking of Higher Education Institutions.

IREG’s mission
IREG was established to improve the quality of both international and national rankings of higher educational institutions.

IREG’s objectives
•    to improve standards and practice in accordance with the Berlin Principles on Ranking of Higher Education Institutions;
•    to analyze the impact of rankings on the access to higher education and employability of graduates;
•    to examine the impact of rankings on the activity of higher educational institutions;
•    to increase public awareness and understanding of academic work

IREG Membership

Today the total IREG membership comprises more than 30 organizations from Denmark, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Taiwan, USA, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Singapore, France, United Kingdom, Ukraine, China, The Netherlands, Indonesia, Slovenia and Spain.  IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence as an international non-profit association welcomes higher education institutions, and all other organizations concerned with ranking and promotion of quality of higher education.

Full membership is open to the organizations engaged primarily in the area of academic ranking and excellence, research, evaluation and analysis of the quality of higher education, and other stakeholders.

Associated membership is open to organizations and entities that are engaged in activities aimed at improvement of the quality of higher education.

The complete list of IREG members and detailed information about the Group is available on the IREG website