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The Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA) is an association of national organizations which focus on the academic, research and educational networking.
CEENQA was founded on October, 13 2001 (Krakow, Poland). CEENQA was legally registered in Dusseldorf, Germany on July 4, 2011.

CEENQA’s Mission

The primary mission of CEENQA is to co-ordinate the international aspects of the academic, research and education networks in Central and Eastern Europe and in adjacent countries.

CEENQA’s Objectives

  • • the promotion and support of the technical and organizational collaboration between national research networks
  • • the support and organization of conferences, workshops and courses
  • • the preparation and submission of project applications to European and other international organizations for promotion of the development of research networks
  • • the formation of working parties to undertake technical activities which comply with the objectives of the Association
  • • the publication and distribution of relevant documentation, brochures, magazines, in particular through the use of electronic media
  • • the promotion and support of the development and establishment of corresponding national network services
  • • if necessary the establishment and operation of joint network services and technical facilities
  • • the safeguarding and pursuit of the common interests of the Association and its members in relation to other Organization
  • • the exchange and provision of operational, organizational and technical information relating to research networks

CEENQA membership

Today the total  CEENQA membership comprises 24 national research and education networks from the following countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, North Cyprus, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia and Slovakia.Those interested in quality assurance in higher education and related matters can obtain further information about the Network from the Secretary or any of the other board members. While each board member is responsible for particular areas, board members are always pleased to discuss any matter of mutual interest.

The complete list of CEENQA members can be found  on