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The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)

The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) was established in 1991 with only 8 members. Today the total membership exceeds 200 members. INQAAHE is a world-wide highly recognizable association active in the theory and practice of quality assurance in higher education.

INQAAHE’s Mission

INQAAHE has been established to enable quality assurance agencies to share information and experiences; lead the theoretical and practical foundations of the profession; develop and promote standards of professional practice in QA; and encourage and assist continuous improvement in member agencies, including professional development and capacity-building for the benefit of HE institutions, their students and their societies.

INQAAHE’s  Objectives

  • • promote good practices in the maintenance and improvement of quality in higher education;
  • • facilitate research into the practice of quality management in higher education and its effectiveness;
  • • be able to provide advice and expertise to assist the development of new quality assurance agencies; facilitate links between accrediting bodies especially insofar as they operate across national borders;
  • • assist members in determining the standards of institutions operating across national borders;
  • • permit better-informed international recognition of qualifications;
  • • be able to assist in the development and use of credit transfer schemes in order to enhance the mobility of students between institutions within and across national borders;
  • • and enable members to be alert to dubious accrediting practices and organisations.

INQAAHE Membership

The INQAAHE Network has two categories of membership, Full and Associate. Full Members are organisations responsible for assuring the academic quality of post-secondary institutions or education programmes other than their own, such as:

  • • accrediting agencies
  • • universities that accredit other institutions
  • • evaluation agencies and similar organisations
  • • those bodies responsible for the external quality assurance of such agencies

Associate Members are organisations with a major interest in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education, but without the responsibility for assuring quality of institutions or education programmes. Persons with a major interest in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education may affiliate to the Network.
Members of all categories may participate in the Administration of the Network, in the General Assembly and other governing bodies of the Network, but full members only have the right to vote.
Today the total INQAAHE membership includes 265 members: 165 full members, 63 associate members and  37 affiliates.

The complete list of INQAAHE members with the organisations’ names, websites, and other  contact information specified can be found  on the INQAAHE website