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The European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education was established in 2000 to promote European co-operation in the field of quality assurance. In November 2004 the General Assembly transformed the Network into the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). The idea for the association originates from the European Pilot Project for Evaluating Quality in Higher Education (1994-95) which demonstrated the value of sharing and developing experience in the area of quality assurance. Subsequently, the idea was given momentum by the Recommendation of the Council (98/561/EC of 24 September 1998) on European co-operation in quality assurance in higher education and by the Bologna Declaration of 1999. The European Commission has, through grant support, financed the activities of ENQA since the very beginning.

ENQA Mission

ENQA has been established to promote European co-operation in the field of quality
assurance in higher education.

ENQA Objectives

  • • to encourage and develop the exchange of information and experience relating to
  • • the quality assurance of higher education, in particular on methodological
    developments and examples of good practice;
  • • to function as a policy forum, developing and proposing standards, procedures
    and guidelines for quality assurance;
  • • to fulfil requests for expertise and advice from European Ministers of Education,
    national and regional public authorities and other bodies associated with the
    European Higher Education Area (EHEA);
  • • to facilitate quality assurance activities in the area of transnational higher
  • • to promote the development and implementation of effective systems for quality
    assurance and accreditation agencies;
  • to co-ordinate the management of reviews of quality assurance and accreditation
  • • to maintain and develop co-operation with other appropriate European
    stakeholder organisations;
  • • to contribute to the establishment of the EHEA;
  • • to conduct dialogues with other networks and regions.

ENQA Membership

Today the total ENQA membership includeы 41 full members and 49 Affiliates.

The complete list of ENQA members with the organisations’ names specified can be found  on the ENQA website