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The National Centre for Public Accreditation conducts 3 types of accreditation of clusters of educational programmes:

  • public accreditation (3-4 experts);
  • international and public accreditation (5 experts including 2 foreign experts);
  • joint accreditation together with a foreign accreditation agency (5-6 experts including experts from a foreign partner agency).

A cluster of educational programmes usually comprises of a maximum of 6 programmes which may be professionally evaluated by one review panel. The procedure of public accreditation lasts from 4 to 6 months. In case of a positive decision an educational institution obtains a certificate of public or international accreditation of educational programmes for a period of up to 6 years. In case of a joint accreditation an educational institution additionally obtains a certificate of accreditation from a foreign accreditation agency.


Step 1

An offer to undergo public and international accreditation

Educational programmes included in the Premier league, 1st or 2nd leagues of the National Aggregated Ranking by Subjects are offered to undergo public and international accreditation


Step 2

Application for accreditation

Submission of the application for public accreditation

Receiving the regulatory and methodological materials in order to prepare an educational programme for public accreditation

Agreeing the dates of the site-visit of an External Review Panel (within a week after receiving the application)

Conducting a training webinar for the teaching staff responsible for accreditation (upon request)


Step 3

Preparation of the Self-evaluation Report by the HEI

Submission of the regulatory and methodological materials for self-evaluation to an educational institution and writing a Self-evaluation Report on an educational programme

Conducting self-evaluation for compliance with the standards of public accreditation and preparation of a Self-evaluation Report in Russian and English by a HEI (about 2 months)

Submission of a Self-Evaluation Report to NCPA (no later than 35 days prior to the site visit of an External Review Panel)


Step 4

Preparation for the visit of the External Review Panel

Formation of an External Review Panel involving representatives of academic and professional communities, student members and foreign experts

Conducting a training webinar for the members of an External Review Panel


Step 5

External Review of the programmes of the HEI

Site visit of an External Review Panel to an educational institution (3 days). The Panel consists of 2 foreign and one Russian expert, student member and representative of employers

Preparation of a final review report by the members of a Review Panel, coordinating the report with an applicant organization (3 weeks)


Step 6

Preparation of the analytical materials for making the decision

Preparation of the analytical materials (the Summary of the External Review of the educational programme) for making a decision on public accreditation of a programme (a cluster of programmes) at the meeting of the National Accreditation Board


Step 7

Making the decision on accreditation

Consideration of the Summary of the educational programme at the meeting of the National Accreditation Board

Making a decision on public accreditation of an educational programme (a cluster of programmes)


Follow-up procedure

Issuance of the Certificate of public accreditation of an educational programme in case of  positive decision of the National Accreditation Board for the period for up to 6 years

Publication of the information on public accreditation in mass media, reference books and on the Internet in both Russian and English