The first DEQAR CONNECT event

The first DEQAR CONNECT event took place on 11 May in the form of a webinar. DEQAR CONNECT project is coordinated by EQAR and is financially supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Its main aim is to develop the database of programmes accredited by agencies, recognized at the European level. It is expected that this information will be further used for mutual recognition of diplomas inside EHEA.

All 17 QAA project partners attended the webinar, with a total of 41 participants. The idea of the webinar was to get to know one another, to show the agencies the structure, back-end and workflow of the database as well as an overview of the project, and lastly to make an inventory of the (technical) needs of the agencies for the data submission.

NCPA was represented by D. Efremova, manager of the Accreditation Office.


DEQAR CONNECT presentation

More information about DEQAR CONNECT project on the official website of EQAR