11th INQAAHE Forum

On May 2-5, 2018 the 11th Forum of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) was held in Mauritius. The Mauritius Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) hosted the event.

More than 200 representatives of organizations that accredit higher education institutions from all over the world participated in the Forum. It was opened by Susanna Karakhanyan, INQAAHE President, and Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Mauritius.

The topic of the Forum was «Quality is in the Eye of the Beholder: Relevance, Credibility and International Visibility». The following Pre-Forum Workshops presented experience of different countries:
*  Risk Based Regulation of the Australian Higher Education Sector
* Governance, Quality Assurance and Credibility in work of the Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council, Taiwan (HEEACT)
* Quality of Courses – Measuring the Soft Skills in the Curriculum in work of the Mauritius Tertiary Education Commission.

The issues considered at the Forum:
* Quality and the Battle for Legitimacy: Discourses, Dependencies and Disputes
* Quality as Recognition: Are We Still Relevant to Our Stakeholders?
* The Changing Landscape of Higher Education in Developing Economies: Challenges for Quality Assurance
* Relevance & Credibility: How Do We Ensure Graduates of Today Are Ready for Tomorrow’s Jobs?
* Academic Assessment and Trust in Online Provision: Quality Assurance Tools
* Enhancing Academic Integrity – Progress on QAA’s Online Training.

The issues of the UNESCO global convention on the recognition of higher education qualifications and prospects for global quality assurance register that will contain information about recognized accreditation agencies of the world were also discussed at the Forum.

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